PERSONAL PROJECT // First Day of School - Part Two
Today Greydon returned to school in person since March 13, 2020. It’s been 391 days. He hardly slept last night and was nervous about everything. He doesn’t even have a backpack anymore and used his swim pack instead. There’s a photo in here showing his reaction when we told him he couldn’t take his phone to school. Like many, he uses his phone as a pacifier, and sometimes in life you need to tackle fears and worries head on and not hide behind technology. He was NOT happy with us and there were tears. To add to all of our anxiety (just me a Greydon, not Fletcher - nothing much rattles that guy) we were 30 minutes late to school. We mixed up the times and didn’t read one of the 87 emails we get a week with new reopening info. Totally our fault, but Greydon rolled with it and said it was no big deal.
When I picked him up in the car line at the end of the day he declared that today was one of the best days at school he’s ever had. Of course only about 15% of the kids were in person today, so he hasn’t had a true middle school experience. It will come one day.
First Day of Kindergarten / Last Day of Kindergarten
First Day of First Grade / Last Day of First Grade
First Day of Second Grade / Last Day of Second Grade
First Day of Third Grade / Last Day of Third Grade
First Day of Fourth Grade / Last Day of Fourth Grade