You're trying. I'm trying. We are all trying.

It's been a while since I have blogged simply because I have been so busy with weddings and family sessions and editing and bookings. Now, I'm not going to apologize for not blogging because that's exactly what this blog post is all about. It would be hypocritical of me to send out a mea culpa when I know I'm trying my best, you're trying your best, we are all trying our best this season. But sometimes you just have to draw the line, and I get that.

Sadly, I had a family session cancellation today. This poor momma has been barely hanging on the past week with two sick pre-schoolers. She felt it was just too much to try to fit in a family session before the holidays. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. It's been years since she has had photos of her kids, but I told her not to give up and a photo session could happen when they are feeling like they can give 100%. I have been known to work miracles in emergencies, but the pressure of "getting it all done" before the holidays can make anyone overwhelmed. I hear ya. I'm in the same boat. In fact, I'm sitting right next to you rowing the boat. 

If you had "Get Photos Taken" on your to-do list this season and it hasn't happened yet don't give up hope. IDEAS: Send a New Year's card. Send a Valentine's card. Heck, does it even matter when you send it? My point is to not apologize for your lack of a perfectly timed Christmas card; you are doing your best, so don't sweat it. Deadlines can be pushed back, but having photos taken of you and your family is a special time-honored tradition and helps to show the passing of milestones without our lives documented on our phones, so don't let it go completely; just rethink how you want it to be delivered.

Did you know there is a holiday on every single day of the year? So if you missed the big holidays at the end of this year, here are just a few holidays in January that will give your family and friends a good chuckle. It's a great way to still get your photos and take the pressure off getting them done by Dec. 24th.

I love the idea of getting a card in the mail that says, "Dear Family and Friends! We decided to take some time to enjoy ourselves this holiday season and send you a card when we w. Happy National Hugging Day!" 

JANUARY HOLIDAYS - This month is also National Hot Soup Month. Why are we not celebrating January more? Who knew it was this great?

14th - Dress Your Pet Up Day (yes, this means to bring the dog to the session wearing a hat)

19th - Popcorn Day

21st - National Hugging Day (I think my dad created this one)

23rd - Pie Day (not to be confused with Pi Day on March 14th, but both worthy of circular treats)

27th - Chocolate Cake Day (Whaaaat? This is a day?!)

29th - Puzzle Day

So throw caution to the wind and break your tradition if you are feeling overwhelmed this season. I guarantee your friends and family will talk about your Happy Dress Your Pet Up Day card forever!

I felt this blog post needed a photo, so here are Hayden and Hudson throwing leaves at me.


It's that day again! Greydon has begun second grade at our beloved Rockwell Elementary and has a wonderful teacher. He wanted to sleep with me last night, because he loves a big bed, and Fletcher pushed his schedule back a bit to help see him off. Another special day of firsts for this little guy, and we're so proud.