Washingtonian Bride & Groom Feature

I submitted Emily and Matthieu's October wedding at the Lincoln Cottage a couple months ago and Washingtonian agreed to publish it! Honestly, it is such an honor to have one of my favorite publications put you on their editorial calendar. Hayley Garrison Phillips also does an amazing job crafting couple's love stories!

Check out Emily and Matthieu's story on Washingtonian Bride & Groom!!

(Photo just because!)

Lauren and Matt | Married!!

So this blog is late. Like really late. In fact all my blogs are really late so this is just the beginning of a long series of posts, so I'm kicking this whole thing off with an incredible couple! Meet Lauren and Matt!

Lauren and Matt are one of the loveliest couples I've met and photographed. There is one word to sum up their wedding. LOVE. And I'm not kidding. There was so much stinkin' love at this wedding it was a hug-fest and I attribute it to the bride and groom. Their wedding was filled with so much emotion I cried at least four times that day. I need help, I know.

And they were also blessed with a perfectly timed rain storm EXACTLY during the ceremony and then it was over. Amazing! That's good luck for sure!

Ok, I'm done gushing over these two. Let's get on with some photos!

Bridget and Christine Go to Washington

Today I was honored to photograph Bridget and Christine's wedding at the Supreme Court in Washington, DC! Officiating the ceremony was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (and my Ides of March birthday buddy). These ladies traveled from Oakland, CA to be married by Justice Ginsburg, an acquaintance of Christine’s.  Christine is an opera singer and a passionate follower of the Supreme Court.  Justice Ginsburg’s profession needs no mention and is of course, a huge fan of opera. 

Without sounding too melodramatic, I've never felt more American then I did photographing their wedding. When RBG said something to the effect of, "by the powers vested in me and the laws of the United States Constitution..." I felt a wave of 300 years of American history wash over me. What an amazing moment. Like, punch-ya-in-the-gut moving. Every wedding I photograph is moving, but this one was different. 

Now, I would love to share more images with you, however the rules of the Supreme Court will not allow me as I am a paid freelancer and cannot make money from utilizing any part of the Court. No inside or outside photos showing the Supreme Court are allowed. (This goes for all paid photographers BTW.) I cannot show you photos of Bridget and Christine saying their vows or Justice Ginsburg, so you are just going to have to believe me when I say I got to stand in her chambers and watch her sign Bridget and Christine's marriage certificate and talk about her weekend plans and opera with Christine.

As soon as Bridget starts posting photos on Instagram and Facebook she promises to tag me, so then you can see the wedding! I want so badly to celebrate these two ladies, but will have to wait for them to do it for me. The suspense is killing me!!!

So follow my Instagram and Facebook to see some sneak peeks from the brides!