Getting Well with Michelle

Referrals are great.  No, actually, they are superb!  You all remember Katie, right?  Well, Katie's referral of Michelle led us to a great photo shoot in Old Town Alexandria yesterday morning.  You cannot go wrong in Old Town.  In fact, a lovely gentleman even let us shoot in his backyard garden.  It was one of those historic homes that when you stroll by you wonder, "Who lives in there?  Wow, it's gorgeous! Oh yeah, if I were to live in Old Town, this is would be the one."

Anyway, let's get back to Michelle.  See, Michelle owns where she has a no-nonsense approach to helping those over-stressed and over-worked humans find balance with diet and lifestyle.  She was also featured in the documentary movie Lemonade, which I saw last year and found very inspirational.  Creatives finding new work by being creative.  Love it and it really hit home for me.

Michelle is serious about her work, but you'd never know it.  This gal is FUN!  Great sense of humor, playful, yet grounded and smart about her business. Let's check it out!

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