Greydon made it! He finished the third grade, that is if he doesn't forget to get on the bus to come home.

Fletcher is traveling this week, so when he is out of town Greydon sleeps in the big bed with me. We snuggle and watch movies on the iPad until we fall asleep. Sleepover party!!

This year has had its challenges, good and bad. But he leaves a stronger and smarter boy. We are so very proud of his accomplishments and perseverance. I'm not going to lie - this year has been The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Starting a new school is not easy. The rules are different, the building is different, the kids are different and it took him time to find his way, but with the guidance of teachers and a very caring principal, whom he now calls his "life coach," he has a new outlook. We also survived the swish-swish dance. Parents, you know what I'm talking about.

We went across the street to give our friend Tobin a high five to the last day of school. Both boys were quite thrilled that summer break was officially starting today! And every Friday I take Greydon to Dunkin Donuts for a strawberry sprinkle donut and drop him off at school.


Lastly, while I was driving, Greydon took some photos, so I've included a slide show at the end of this post. It's called "Damascus from the Front Seat."